WoZodiac - Zodiac, Horoscope and Birthstone WoWonder Addon
Price: $7 WoZodiac - Zodiac, Horoscope and Birthstone WoWonder Addonis aastrology add-onfor theWoWonder social network, designed to bring daily horoscopes, zodiac signs, and astrological insights to user profiles.You can buyWoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network PlatformDaily Horoscope Users can see their daily horoscope based on their zodiac sign.Sun Zodiac Sign Automatically determines the user's zodiac sign from their birthdate.Chinese Zodiac Sign Displays the user's Chinese zodiac based on their birth year.Birthstone Display Shows the corresponding gemstone for the users birth month.How It WorksFetches Birthdate WoZodiac retrieves the users birthdate from their WoWonder profile.Calculates Zodiac Signs Determines both theWestern zodiacandChinese zodiac.Fetches Horoscope Data Displays a daily horoscope for each sign.Enhances User Profiles Adds aZodiac and Horoscopesection to user profiles.Give your usersfun, engaging astrology insightsright on their profiles. Get WoZodiac Today!
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